Relevant words for adjective divergent


Below are synonyms, antonyms and words that are in some manner relevant to adjective divergent (as applied to automotive subject domain). You may view concordance (full context) and matched context for essential words.

100.00%divergent   Concordance - Matched context
50.31%converging   Concordance - Matched context
46.51%sloped   Concordance - Matched context
45.87%angled   Concordance - Matched context
38.32%oblique   Concordance - Matched context
30.02%convergent   Concordance - Matched context
28.61%horizontal   Concordance - Matched context
26.54%vertical   Concordance - Matched context
26.25%upstanding   Concordance - Matched context
24.94%transverse   Concordance - Matched context
24.63%tilted   Concordance - Matched context
24.21%directed   Concordance - Matched context
22.05%tangential   Concordance - Matched context
20.48%axial   Concordance - Matched context
19.50%longitudinal   Concordance - Matched context
18.56%perpendicular   Concordance - Matched context
17.17%rectilinear   Concordance - Matched context
16.45%coaxial   Concordance - Matched context
12.73%descending   Concordance - Matched context
12.00%orthogonal   Concordance - Matched context
9.97%cross   Concordance - Matched context
9.85%lengthwise   Concordance - Matched context
9.41%positioning   Concordance - Matched context
8.88%down   Concordance - Matched context
8.58%upward   Concordance - Matched context
7.13%counterclockwise   Concordance - Matched context
6.86%diagonal   Concordance - Matched context
5.90%elevational   Concordance - Matched context
5.74%directional   Concordance - Matched context
5.72%one-way   Concordance - Matched context
5.49%unidirectional   Concordance - Matched context
4.53%bidirectional   Concordance - Matched context
4.06%protruding   Concordance - Matched context
2.66%projecting   Concordance - Matched context
2.66%flared   Concordance - Matched context
2.50%diverging   Concordance - Matched context
2.42%incoming   Concordance - Matched context
2.31%facing   Concordance - Matched context
1.98%turned   Concordance - Matched context
1.77%deflectable   Concordance - Matched context
1.67%immovable   Concordance - Matched context
1.62%wider   Concordance - Matched context
1.59%extending   Concordance - Matched context
1.56%expanded   Concordance - Matched context
1.55%shiftable   Concordance - Matched context
1.52%changeable   Concordance - Matched context
1.48%stiff   Concordance - Matched context
1.41%displaced   Concordance - Matched context
1.40%swingable   Concordance - Matched context


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