Concordance for adjective angled


The page lists top contexts for adjective angled and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
13.08%  angled [direction] surface
11.37%  angled [direction] portion
8.87%  angled [direction] passage
7.69%  angled [direction] slot
6.25%  angled [direction] face
4.86%  angled [direction] arm
4.00%  angled [direction] plate
3.66%  angled [direction] section
3.02%  angled [direction] wall
2.76%  angled [direction] opening
2.68%  angled [direction] crossbar
2.55%  angled [direction] member
2.37%  angled [direction] edge
1.94%  angled [direction] end
1.94%  angled [direction] swirler
1.66%  angled [direction] tooth
1.64%  angled [direction] port
1.56%  angled [direction] handle
1.56%  angled [direction] tang
1.49%  angled [direction] side
1.44%  angled [direction] bore
1.34%  sharply angled
1.21%  angled [direction] inlet
1.16%  angled [direction] drilling
1.16%  angled [direction] bank
1.16%  angled [direction] notch
1.13%  angled [direction] passageway
0.98%  angled [direction] position
0.93%  angled [direction] valve
0.92%  angled [direction] direction
0.84%  angled [direction] connection
0.84%  angled [direction] lever
0.84%  angled [direction] line
0.53%  rearward [location] angled
0.40%  upwardly [location] angled


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