Concordance for adjective upstanding


The page lists top contexts for adjective upstanding and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
11.49%  upstanding [direction] member
11.09%  upstanding [direction] portion
10.54%  upstanding [direction] wall
6.74%  upstanding [direction] boss
6.05%  upstanding [direction] post
4.40%  upstanding [direction] flange
4.31%  upstanding [direction] tube
3.76%  upstanding [direction] leg
3.72%  upstanding [direction] arm
3.55%  upstanding [direction] pin
2.78%  upstanding [direction] structure
2.55%  upstanding [direction] section
2.53%  upstanding [direction] projection
2.40%  upstanding [direction] include
2.25%  upstanding [direction] sidewall
2.23%  upstanding [direction] rib
2.17%  upstanding [direction] plate
2.12%  upstanding [direction] nipple
2.05%  upstanding [direction] bracket
1.81%  upstanding [direction] riser
1.68%  upstanding [direction] rail
1.58%  upstanding [direction] lug
1.58%  upstanding [direction] panel
1.44%  upstanding [direction] tab
1.25%  upstanding [direction] means
1.23%  upstanding [direction] sleeve
1.18%  upstanding [direction] pipe
1.01%  upstanding [direction] side
0.36%  generally [resume] upstanding


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