Concordance for adjective one-way


The page lists top contexts for adjective one-way and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
52.17%  one-way [direction] valve
25.00%  one-way [direction] clutch
4.08%  one-way [direction] means
1.38%  one-way [direction] flow
1.32%  one-way [direction] coupling
1.17%  one-way [direction] seal
1.10%  one-way [direction] unit
0.99%  one-way [direction] position
0.84%  one-way [direction] characteristic
0.82%  one-way [direction] mechanism
0.73%  one-way [direction] restrictor
0.72%  one-way [direction] switch
0.68%  one-way [direction] assembly
0.60%  one-way [direction] brake
0.57%  one-way [direction] device
0.54%  one-way [direction] communication
0.53%  one-way [direction] mode
0.50%  one-way [direction] function
0.49%  one-way [direction] passage
0.47%  one-way [direction] stop
0.38%  one-way [direction] connector
0.37%  one-way [direction] member
0.37%  one-way [direction] support
0.36%  one-way [direction] action
0.34%  one-way [direction] connection
0.34%  one-way [direction] opening
0.33%  one-way [direction] clamp
0.33%  one-way [direction] spring
0.31%  one-way [direction] orifice
0.30%  one-way [direction] fitting
0.29%  one-way [direction] drive
0.22%  one-way [direction] inlet
0.22%  one-way [direction] arrangement
0.22%  one-way [direction] roller
0.19%  one-way [direction] body
0.19%  one-way [direction] wheel
0.18%  one-way [direction] portion
0.14%  one-way [direction] path
0.04%  only [degree] one-way


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