Concordance for adjective immovable


The page lists top contexts for adjective immovable and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
12.03%  immovable [motion] relative
10.56%  immovable [motion] render
10.44%  immovable [motion] member
8.61%  immovable [motion] hold
8.26%  immovable [motion] tube
7.03%  immovable [motion] piston
6.51%  axially immovable
6.34%  immovable [motion] remain
5.78%  immovable [motion] become
5.76%  immovable [motion] make
5.28%  immovable [motion] portion
3.84%  almost immovable
3.76%  substantially immovable
3.34%  immovable with respect
2.37%  immovable in direction


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