Concordance for adjective projecting


The page lists top contexts for adjective projecting and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
13.64%  projecting [shape] portion
6.43%  projecting [shape] flange
5.19%  outwardly [location] projecting
5.09%  inwardly [location] projecting
3.60%  projecting [shape] pin
3.31%  radially [orientation] projecting
3.17%  projecting [shape] leg
3.02%  projecting [shape] arm
2.87%  projecting [shape] end
2.25%  projecting [shape] lug
2.25%  projecting [shape] part
2.16%  projecting [shape] member
2.07%  projecting [shape] shoulder
1.86%  projecting [shape] tooth
1.81%  projecting [shape] section
1.75%  projecting [shape] tab
1.73%  projecting [shape] means
1.59%  projecting [shape] lip
1.52%  projecting [shape] bead
1.51%  laterally [orientation] projecting
1.42%  projecting [shape] support
1.39%  projecting [shape] ear
1.25%  projecting [shape] boss
1.24%  projecting [shape] tang
1.22%  downwardly [location] projecting
1.21%  leftwardly [location] projecting
1.20%  projecting [shape] collar
1.14%  projecting [shape] bulge
1.08%  laterally projecting
1.07%  radially projecting
1.04%  forwardly [location] projecting
1.03%  projecting [shape] ridge
1.01%  upwardly [location] projecting
1.00%  projecting [shape] projecting
1.00%  projecting [shape] wall
0.98%  projecting [shape] rib
0.90%  projecting [shape] structure
0.87%  projecting [shape] wing
0.85%  projecting [shape] sleeve
0.83%  inwardly projecting
0.77%  projecting [shape] surface
0.77%  projecting [shape] protrusion
0.75%  projecting [shape] bracket
0.72%  outwardly projecting
0.70%  projecting [shape] rim
0.69%  projecting [shape] extension
0.69%  rightwardly [location] projecting
0.67%  downwardly projecting
0.61%  projecting [shape] finger
0.58%  projecting [shape] stud
0.56%  rearwardly [location] projecting
0.54%  projecting [shape] conductor
0.53%  projecting [shape] vane
0.51%  projecting [shape] ring
0.45%  axially [orientation] projecting
0.41%  projecting [shape] rod
0.41%  projecting [shape] edge
0.40%  projecting [shape] projecting
0.39%  projecting [shape] position


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