Concordance for adjective down


The page lists top contexts for adjective down and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
41.70%  down [direction] counter
23.91%  down [direction] tube
5.34%  down [direction] position
5.27%  down [direction] pipe
3.39%  down [direction] stroke
3.20%  down [direction] counting
2.69%  down [direction] count
2.50%  down [direction] side
2.05%  down [direction] time
1.34%  down [direction] assembly
1.30%  down [direction] stream
1.14%  down [direction] slope
0.91%  down [direction] contact
0.72%  down [direction] pump
0.66%  down [direction] condition
0.61%  down [direction] joint
0.59%  down [direction] member
0.57%  down [direction] mode
0.57%  down [direction] switch
0.57%  down [direction] section
0.45%  down [direction] end
0.40%  down [direction] portion


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