Relevant words for adjective non-rotating


Below are synonyms, antonyms and words that are in some manner relevant to adjective non-rotating (as applied to automotive subject domain). You may view concordance (full context) and matched context for essential words.

100.00%non-rotating   Concordance - Matched context
51.95%non-rotatable   Concordance - Matched context
38.80%rotating   Concordance - Matched context
37.43%moveable   Concordance - Matched context
37.41%rotatable   Concordance - Matched context
35.35%vibratory   Concordance - Matched context
35.08%nonrotating   Concordance - Matched context
34.78%movable   Concordance - Matched context
32.80%slidable   Concordance - Matched context
27.22%immovable   Concordance - Matched context
26.84%rotary   Concordance - Matched context
25.64%transmitting   Concordance - Matched context
20.58%sliding   Concordance - Matched context
17.87%pivotable   Concordance - Matched context
15.96%moving   Concordance - Matched context
14.48%active   Concordance - Matched context
12.68%oscillatory   Concordance - Matched context
11.01%fast   Concordance - Matched context
8.53%driving   Concordance - Matched context
6.28%turning   Concordance - Matched context
5.65%static   Concordance - Matched context
5.48%gentle   Concordance - Matched context
3.97%slow   Concordance - Matched context
3.11%rotational   Concordance - Matched context
2.00%inactive   Concordance - Matched context
1.95%centrifugal   Concordance - Matched context
1.78%quick   Concordance - Matched context


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