Concordance for adjective inactive


The page lists top contexts for adjective inactive and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
29.24%  inactive [motion] position
16.25%  inactive [motion] state
7.10%  inactive [motion] condition
6.86%  inactive [motion] sensor
4.51%  inactive [motion] remain
3.72%  inactive [motion] become
3.72%  inactive [motion] cylinder
2.60%  inactive [motion] compound
2.42%  inactive [motion] mode
2.38%  inactive [motion] gas
2.27%  inactive [motion] catalyst
2.07%  inactive [motion] converter
1.58%  inactive [motion] engine
1.46%  inactive [motion] stroke
1.31%  inactive [motion] driver
1.14%  inactive [motion] booster
1.04%  inactive [motion] system
1.04%  inactive [motion] material
1.03%  inactive [motion] switch
0.85%  inactive [motion] line
0.82%  inactive for period
0.82%  inactive [motion] means
0.77%  inactive [motion] make
0.77%  inactive [motion] device
0.74%  inactive [motion] pump
0.73%  inactive [motion] render
0.72%  inactive [motion] end
0.69%  inactive [motion] clutch
0.51%  inactive [motion] circuit
0.45%  inactive [motion] portion
0.21%  inactive during operation


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