Concordance for adjective turning


The page lists top contexts for adjective turning and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
29.03%  turning [motion] angle
27.81%  turning [motion] ratio
13.96%  turning [motion] curve
6.29%  turning [motion] sensor
4.45%  turning [motion] characteristic
3.18%  turning [motion] rod
2.24%  turning [motion] signal
1.98%  turning [motion] means
1.54%  turning [motion] radius
1.40%  turning [motion] direction
1.15%  turning [motion] member
1.02%  turning [motion] section
0.94%  turning [motion] plate
0.86%  turning [motion] force
0.81%  turning [motion] line
0.81%  turning [motion] operation
0.74%  turning [motion] wheel
0.57%  turning [motion] movement
0.54%  turning [motion] change
0.34%  clockwise [manner] turning
0.24%  outwardly [location] turning


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