Relevant words for adjective stationary


Below are synonyms, antonyms and words that are in some manner relevant to adjective stationary (as applied to automotive subject domain). You may view concordance (full context) and matched context for essential words.

100.00%stationary   Concordance - Matched context
60.14%fixed   Concordance - Matched context
38.64%mobile   Concordance - Matched context
31.63%terminal   Concordance - Matched context
24.96%damping   Concordance - Matched context
24.54%unchanged   Concordance - Matched context
23.70%usual   Concordance - Matched context
21.39%floating   Concordance - Matched context
20.43%variable   Concordance - Matched context
19.06%constant   Concordance - Matched context
18.90%reciprocating   Concordance - Matched context
17.61%steady   Concordance - Matched context
17.24%stable   Concordance - Matched context
16.90%running   Concordance - Matched context
14.64%irregular   Concordance - Matched context
14.11%unstable   Concordance - Matched context
12.87%alternate   Concordance - Matched context
12.19%intermittent   Concordance - Matched context
11.38%regular   Concordance - Matched context
11.21%changed   Concordance - Matched context
9.66%varying   Concordance - Matched context
8.90%consistent   Concordance - Matched context
8.19%converting   Concordance - Matched context
7.87%broken   Concordance - Matched context
7.48%instantaneous   Concordance - Matched context
7.21%continued   Concordance - Matched context
7.15%alternating   Concordance - Matched context
6.62%cyclic   Concordance - Matched context
6.56%changeable   Concordance - Matched context
6.08%discontinuous   Concordance - Matched context
6.08%uninterrupted   Concordance - Matched context
5.99%customary   Concordance - Matched context
4.40%erratic   Concordance - Matched context
4.40%ongoing   Concordance - Matched context
4.14%repetitive   Concordance - Matched context
3.59%repeated   Concordance - Matched context
3.46%nonrotatable   Concordance - Matched context
3.41%volatile   Concordance - Matched context
3.30%alternate long   
3.23%cyclical   Concordance - Matched context
3.07%torsion-stiff   Concordance - Matched context
3.05%immediate   Concordance - Matched context
3.03%symmetric   Concordance - Matched context
2.71%random   Concordance - Matched context


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