Concordance for adjective stable


The page lists top contexts for adjective stable and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
17.76%  stable [time periodicity] combustion
9.36%  stable [time periodicity] operation
4.55%  stable [time periodicity] condition
2.63%  stable [time periodicity] ignition
2.25%  stable [time periodicity] control
2.14%  stable [time periodicity] behavior
1.95%  stable [time periodicity] characteristic
1.86%  stable [time periodicity] flame
1.79%  stable [time periodicity] position
1.79%  stable [time periodicity] state
1.59%  stable [time periodicity] performance
1.50%  stable [time periodicity] responsiveness
1.44%  stable [time periodicity] effect
1.43%  stable [time periodicity] manner
1.37%  stable ADVP asymptotically
1.37%  stable [time periodicity] polynomial
1.34%  stable [time periodicity] output
1.32%  stable [time periodicity] movement
1.29%  stable [time periodicity] running
1.27%  stable [time periodicity] support
1.24%  stable [time periodicity] remain
1.19%  dynamically stable
1.06%  stable [time periodicity] rotation
1.04%  stable [time periodicity] force
1.02%  stable [time periodicity] make
0.96%  relatively stable
0.93%  stable [time periodicity] response
0.88%  stable [time periodicity] material
0.88%  stable [time periodicity] steering
0.87%  stable [time periodicity] additive
0.87%  stable [time periodicity] complex
0.87%  stable [time periodicity] controllability
0.87%  stable [time periodicity] idling
0.87%  stable [time periodicity] ride
0.87%  stable [time periodicity] supply
0.87%  more [degree] stable
0.79%  stable [time periodicity] zone
0.79%  more stable
0.77%  highly [degree] stable
0.75%  stable [time periodicity] coating
0.75%  stable [time periodicity] growth
0.74%  stable [time periodicity] structure
0.74%  stable [time periodicity] property
0.74%  stable [time periodicity] status
0.73%  stable [time periodicity] pressure
0.73%  sufficiently stable
0.73%  stable [time periodicity] region
0.69%  dimensionally stable
0.69%  stable [time periodicity] action
0.67%  dynamically [manner] stable
0.65%  dimensionally [manner] stable
0.65%  stable [time periodicity] process
0.61%  stable [time periodicity] system
0.60%  highly stable
0.59%  stable [time periodicity] intake
0.57%  stable [time periodicity] engine
0.57%  stable [time periodicity] coefficient
0.53%  thermally stable
0.52%  stable [time periodicity] speed
0.52%  stable [time periodicity] braking
0.49%  very stable
0.48%  stable [time periodicity] flow
0.47%  stable [time periodicity] injection
0.47%  stable [time periodicity] member
0.46%  stable [time periodicity] voltage
0.44%  stable [time periodicity] become
0.44%  stable [time periodicity] temperature
0.44%  stable [time periodicity] value
0.43%  almost stable
0.42%  comparatively stable
0.40%  stable to permit
0.37%  relatively [degree] stable
0.36%  stable in fuel
0.34%  less stable
0.34%  extremely [degree] stable
0.33%  stable [time periodicity] means
0.33%  very [degree] stable
0.32%  laterally [orientation] stable
0.29%  extremely stable
0.19%  substantially stable
0.18%  generally stable
0.15%  substantially [degree] stable


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