Concordance for adjective fixed


The page lists top contexts for adjective fixed and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
4.67%  fixed [time periodicity] bracket
3.83%  fixed [time periodicity] member
3.38%  fixed [time periodicity] value
3.29%  fixed [time periodicity] position
2.62%  fixed [time periodicity] orifice
2.43%  fixed [time periodicity] contact
2.13%  fixed [time periodicity] part
2.09%  fixed [time periodicity] portion
1.93%  fixed [time periodicity] housing
1.83%  fixed [time periodicity] relationship
1.74%  fixed [time periodicity] support
1.68%  fixed [time periodicity] pad
1.58%  fixed [time periodicity] tooth
1.51%  fixed [time periodicity] time
1.29%  fixed [time periodicity] point
1.26%  fixed [time periodicity] axis
1.26%  fixed [time periodicity] axle
1.21%  fixed [time periodicity] interval
1.17%  fixed [time periodicity] gear
1.12%  fixed [time periodicity] seat
1.07%  fixed [time periodicity] relation
1.05%  fixed [time periodicity] amount
1.05%  fixed [time periodicity] column
1.05%  fixed [time periodicity] pump
1.03%  fixed [time periodicity] throttle
0.98%  fixed [time periodicity] ratio
0.98%  fixed [time periodicity] body
0.89%  fixed [time periodicity] plate
0.88%  fixed [time periodicity] end
0.81%  fixed [time periodicity] pin
0.81%  fixed [time periodicity] distance
0.80%  fixed [time periodicity] period
0.76%  fixed [time periodicity] stop
0.74%  fixed [time periodicity] core
0.73%  fixed [time periodicity] volume
0.68%  fixed [time periodicity] structure
0.68%  fixed [time periodicity] side
0.67%  fixed [time periodicity] sleeve
0.66%  fixed [time periodicity] shaft
0.66%  fixed [time periodicity] location
0.65%  fixed [time periodicity] link
0.63%  fixed [time periodicity] angle
0.62%  fixed [time periodicity] pivot
0.58%  fixed [time periodicity] resistor
0.57%  fixed [time periodicity] means
0.57%  fixed [time periodicity] quantity
0.57%  fixed [time periodicity] element
0.56%  fixed [time periodicity] frequency
0.55%  fixed [time periodicity] rate
0.55%  fixed [time periodicity] voltage
0.54%  fixed [time periodicity] pressure
0.52%  fixed [time periodicity] surface
0.52%  fixed [time periodicity] die
0.50%  fixed [time periodicity] wall
0.48%  fixed [time periodicity] algorithm
0.46%  fixed [time periodicity] assembly
0.45%  fixed [time periodicity] type
0.44%  fixed [time periodicity] terminal
0.44%  fixed [time periodicity] chamber
0.44%  fixed [time periodicity] arm
0.43%  fixed [time periodicity] piston
0.43%  fixed [time periodicity] threshold
0.42%  fixed [time periodicity] connection
0.42%  fixed [time periodicity] abutment
0.42%  fixed [time periodicity] venturi
0.41%  fixed [time periodicity] frame
0.40%  fixed [time periodicity] bed
0.37%  fixed [time periodicity] level
0.36%  fixed [time periodicity] length
0.35%  fixed [time periodicity] case
0.35%  fixed [time periodicity] electrode
0.35%  fixed [time periodicity] gap
0.34%  fixed [time periodicity] chassis
0.34%  fixed [time periodicity] component
0.33%  fixed [time periodicity] remain
0.33%  fixed [time periodicity] disc
0.32%  fixed [time periodicity] number
0.32%  fixed [time periodicity] pgqk
0.32%  fixed [time periodicity] panel
0.31%  fixed [time periodicity] restrictor
0.31%  fixed [time periodicity] duct
0.30%  fixed [time periodicity] duration
0.30%  fixed [time periodicity] section
0.29%  fixed [time periodicity] bearing
0.28%  fixed [time periodicity] engagement
0.28%  fixed [time periodicity] bolt
0.28%  fixed [time periodicity] orientation
0.28%  fixed [time periodicity] percentage
0.26%  fixed [time periodicity] proportion
0.25%  fixed [time periodicity] identifier
0.25%  fixed [time periodicity] increment
0.24%  fixed [time periodicity] bias
0.24%  fixed [time periodicity] size
0.24%  fixed [time periodicity] pipe
0.24%  fixed [time periodicity] potential
0.23%  fixed [time periodicity] wheel
0.23%  fixed [time periodicity] limit
0.22%  fixed [time periodicity] datum
0.22%  fixed [time periodicity] speed
0.22%  fixed [time periodicity] ring
0.22%  fixed [time periodicity] range
0.22%  fixed [time periodicity] lever
0.22%  fixed [time periodicity] manner
0.21%  fixed [time periodicity] signal
0.21%  fixed [time periodicity] tube
0.20%  fixed [time periodicity] width
0.20%  fixed [time periodicity] caliper
0.19%  fixed [time periodicity] temperature
0.19%  fixed [time periodicity] feeling
0.19%  fixed [time periodicity] restriction
0.19%  fixed [time periodicity] cylinder
0.18%  fixed [time periodicity] rod
0.18%  fixed [time periodicity] reference
0.18%  fixed [time periodicity] attachment
0.18%  fixed [time periodicity] processing
0.17%  fixed [time periodicity] bar
0.17%  fixed [time periodicity] carburetor
0.16%  fixed [time periodicity] generator
0.16%  fixed [time periodicity] guide
0.16%  fixed [time periodicity] object
0.16%  fixed [time periodicity] stud
0.16%  fixed [time periodicity] path
0.16%  fixed [time periodicity] system
0.16%  fixed [time periodicity] setting
0.16%  fixed [time periodicity] base
0.15%  fixed [time periodicity] disk
0.15%  fixed [time periodicity] load
0.15%  fixed [time periodicity] vane
0.15%  fixed [time periodicity] resistance
0.15%  fixed [time periodicity] routine
0.15%  fixed [time periodicity] stroke
0.14%  fixed [time periodicity] port
0.14%  fixed [time periodicity] valve
0.14%  fixed [time periodicity] boundary
0.14%  fixed [time periodicity] flange
0.14%  fixed [time periodicity] dimension
0.14%  fixed [time periodicity] piece
0.13%  fixed [time periodicity] source
0.13%  fixed [time periodicity] mounting
0.13%  fixed [time periodicity] track
0.13%  fixed [time periodicity] collar
0.13%  fixed [time periodicity] grip
0.13%  fixed [time periodicity] mount
0.13%  fixed [time periodicity] trace
0.12%  fixed [time periodicity] drop
0.12%  fixed [time periodicity] mode
0.12%  fixed [time periodicity] knob
0.12%  fixed [time periodicity] race
0.12%  fixed [time periodicity] blade
0.12%  fixed [time periodicity] motor
0.12%  fixed [time periodicity] beam


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