Relevant words for noun floating


Below are synonyms, antonyms and words that are in some manner relevant to noun floating (as applied to automotive subject domain). You may view concordance (full context) and matched context for essential words.

100.00%floating   Concordance - Matched context
37.57%reciprocating   Concordance - Matched context
23.81%converting   Concordance - Matched context
23.38%damping   Concordance - Matched context
8.17%stable   Concordance - Matched context
5.05%varying   Concordance - Matched context
4.43%alternating   Concordance - Matched context
4.13%running   Concordance - Matched context
3.63%set   Concordance - Matched context
3.34%transom   Concordance - Matched context
2.35%hull   Concordance - Matched context
2.22%mobility   Concordance - Matched context
1.92%electron   Concordance - Matched context
1.82%initiator   Concordance - Matched context
1.74%valence   Concordance - Matched context
1.61%cluster   Concordance - Matched context
1.41%fall   Concordance - Matched context
1.39%bow   Concordance - Matched context
1.35%tunnel   Concordance - Matched context
1.34%changing   Concordance - Matched context
1.21%obstacle   Concordance - Matched context
1.12%play   Concordance - Matched context
1.08%standing   Concordance - Matched context
1.07%stern   Concordance - Matched context
1.05%extremity   Concordance - Matched context
0.96%skating   Concordance - Matched context
0.87%choice   Concordance - Matched context
0.74%constant   Concordance - Matched context
0.71%end   Concordance - Matched context
0.71%spinning   Concordance - Matched context
0.60%nature   Concordance - Matched context
0.59%radical   Concordance - Matched context
0.57%deck   Concordance - Matched context
0.53%travel   Concordance - Matched context
0.51%centerline   Concordance - Matched context
0.51%operator   Concordance - Matched context
0.50%oscillator   Concordance - Matched context
0.49%yaw   Concordance - Matched context
0.49%maintenance   Concordance - Matched context
0.48%circulation   Concordance - Matched context
0.46%access   Concordance - Matched context
0.43%rotation   Concordance - Matched context
0.42%balance   Concordance - Matched context
0.41%environment   Concordance - Matched context
0.40%ion   Concordance - Matched context
0.40%slider   Concordance - Matched context
0.40%oscillation   Concordance - Matched context
0.38%phosphate   Concordance - Matched context
0.38%vibration   Concordance - Matched context


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