Concordance for noun valving


The page lists top contexts for noun valving and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
18.38%  valving member
8.21%  valving assembly
7.98%  valving means
5.38%  valving combustion
5.16%  valving arrangement
5.15%  valving surface
4.86%  valving element
3.65%  duty-cycle valving
2.42%  valving piston
2.17%  valving chamber
1.80%  safety valving
1.39%  valving land
1.38%  valving action
1.37%  valving rod
1.16%  inlet valving
1.15%  valving function
1.13%  valving portion
1.10%  valving ball
1.05%  valving plate
1.04%  center valving
1.04%  valving mechanism
1.02%  closed [character] valving
1.02%  valving device
0.94%  valving relation
0.92%  valving edge
0.87%  valving seat
0.85%  valving ring
0.76%  valving passage
0.68%  valving system
0.64%  intake valving
0.61%  internal [location] valving
0.60%  conventional [typicality] valving
0.58%  exhaust [physical/chemical] valving
0.57%  valving operation
0.57%  associated [dependency] valving
0.56%  valving apparatus
0.52%  valving groove
0.52%  outlet valving
0.51%  accomplish valving [perform operation]
0.51%  valving port
0.51%  valving [does] control
0.49%  valving structure
0.47%  control valving
0.44%  appropriate [effectiveness] valving
0.44%  provide valving [perform operation]
0.43%  valving control
0.42%  include valving [perform operation]
0.41%  contain valving [perform operation]
0.41%  suitable [effectiveness] valving
0.40%  nozzle valving
0.40%  fuel valving
0.39%  valving sleeve
0.38%  employ valving [perform operation]
0.36%  hydraulic [physical/chemical] valving
0.35%  show valving [perform operation]
0.34%  valving bore
0.34%  steering [purpose] valving
0.33%  describe valving [perform operation]
0.32%  valving shaft
0.31%  fluid [state] valving
0.29%  valving body
0.29%  require valving [perform operation]
0.28%  valving component
0.27%  valving [does] provide
0.25%  have valving [perform operation]
0.13%  not valving


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