Concordance for adjective upright


The page lists top contexts for adjective upright and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
24.00%  upright [shape] position
6.81%  upright [shape] axis
6.35%  upright [shape] member
5.01%  upright [shape] wall
4.32%  upright [shape] extend
3.99%  upright [shape] post
2.71%  upright [shape] portion
2.29%  upright [shape] bar
2.23%  upright [shape] orientation
2.08%  upright [shape] attitude
2.03%  upright [shape] shaft
1.89%  upright [shape] plane
1.78%  upright [shape] stand
1.73%  upright [shape] plate
1.52%  generally [resume] upright
1.52%  upright [shape] ax
1.52%  upright [shape] pivot
1.40%  upright [shape] pole
1.36%  upright [shape] face
1.34%  upright [shape] leg
1.33%  upright [shape] passage
1.26%  upright [shape] frame
1.26%  upright [shape] arm
1.16%  upright [shape] support
1.04%  upright [shape] part
1.03%  opposite [attribute] upright
0.94%  upright [shape] cylinder
0.94%  upright [shape] tube
0.89%  upright [shape] segment
0.87%  nominally [manner] upright
0.87%  upright [shape] spindle
0.86%  substantially upright
0.81%  upright [shape] disposition
0.74%  upright [shape] opposite
0.69%  upright [shape] condition
0.67%  upright [shape] means
0.66%  upright [shape] housing
0.65%  upright [shape] view
0.65%  upright [shape] column
0.64%  generally upright
0.62%  upright [shape] container
0.60%  upright [shape] bracket
0.58%  upright [shape] section
0.54%  upright [shape] slot
0.54%  upright [shape] flange
0.52%  upright [shape] lever
0.48%  upright [shape] wheel
0.46%  upright [shape] bore
0.42%  upright [shape] channel
0.35%  upright [shape] end
0.33%  normally [typicality] upright
0.26%  more [degree] upright
0.18%  substantially [degree] upright


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