Concordance for noun tumble


The page lists top contexts for noun tumble and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
34.90%  tumble flow
16.75%  tumble tf
7.14%  tumble fm
5.74%  stratified [structure] tumble
5.14%  tumble [does] flow
3.22%  tumble motion
3.03%  tumble ratio
2.55%  tumble component
2.54%  tumble vortex
2.24%  tumble action
1.82%  promote tumble [perform operation]
1.55%  tumble stream
1.50%  tumble fa
1.42%  strong [character] tumble
1.35%  tumble valve
1.33%  tumble rate
1.11%  tumble formation
1.11%  produce tumble [perform operation]
0.70%  tumble effect
0.69%  generate tumble [perform operation]
0.62%  air tumble
0.59%  tumble movement
0.59%  tumble use
0.54%  form tumble [perform operation]
0.48%  maintain tumble [perform operation]
0.46%  conventional [typicality] tumble
0.43%  tumble port
0.32%  provide tumble [perform operation]


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