Concordance for noun translation


The page lists top contexts for noun translation and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
13.93%  english translation
12.55%  linear [shape] translation
7.80%  axial [direction] translation
6.49%  translation case
4.68%  translation jump
4.24%  body-tube translation
3.95%  translation ratio
3.84%  effect translation [perform operation]
2.45%  piston translation
2.14%  translation [purpose] dispose
2.08%  move in translation
2.02%  translation [does] translate
1.77%  direct [shape] translation
1.74%  relative [similarity] translation
1.69%  member translation
1.63%  toward [location] translation
1.58%  lateral [location] translation
1.54%  permit translation [perform operation]
1.49%  arc translation
1.44%  effect translation
1.43%  translation axis
1.34%  freely [degree] translation
1.30%  rod translation
1.25%  rack translation
1.20%  translation movement
1.12%  translation [does] exist
1.07%  bar translation
1.00%  translation [does] apply
1.00%  translation [does] cause
0.91%  away [location] translation
0.87%  valve translation
0.87%  not translation
0.86%  shaft translation
0.79%  translation means
0.77%  limit translation [perform operation]
0.76%  element translation
0.76%  cause translation [perform operation]
0.75%  allow translation [perform operation]
0.74%  provide translation [perform operation]
0.73%  means translation
0.66%  brake translation
0.58%  pressure translation


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