Concordance for noun torch


The page lists top contexts for noun torch and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
13.19%  torch aperture
10.88%  torch passage
8.95%  torch flame
8.64%  submergible [physical/chemical] torch
7.99%  torch jet
7.50%  torch cell
4.67%  torch nozzle
3.84%  torch engine
3.75%  torch chamber
3.39%  torch ignition
2.80%  torch tip
2.14%  torch plug
1.96%  torch head
1.81%  handy [location] torch
1.65%  torch restriction
1.35%  hand-held [functioning] torch
1.31%  submerge torch [perform operation]
1.23%  torch effect
1.19%  torch opening
0.96%  torch [does] ignite
0.90%  flaming torch
0.90%  flaming torch
0.84%  torch handle
0.73%  propane torch
0.69%  torch device
0.57%  torch assembly
0.47%  torch burner
0.45%  torch apparatus
0.36%  ignite torch [perform operation]
0.35%  torch operator
0.34%  torch type
0.30%  torch cylinder
0.30%  torch slot
0.29%  torch [does] comprise
0.29%  torch piston
0.27%  produce torch [perform operation]
0.25%  torch view
0.23%  torch port
0.22%  flame [color] torch
0.22%  ignition torch
0.22%  relate to torch
0.19%  torch tube
0.17%  torch operation
0.17%  invention torch
0.16%  torch system
0.15%  chamber torch
0.15%  torch fuel
0.11%  provide torch [perform operation]
0.10%  use torch [perform operation]
0.10%  torch [does] provide
0.06%  torch means


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