Concordance for verb throw


The page lists top contexts for verb throw and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
22.76%  throw against hub
17.31%  violently [degree] throw
10.50%  direction [location] throw
5.06%  throw switch [perform operation]
4.56%  particularly [degree] throw
3.96%  forward [location] throw
3.93%  throw driver [perform operation]
3.19%  outwardly [location] throw
2.78%  position [connection] throw
2.73%  on-position [connection] throw
2.62%  throw oil [perform operation]
2.56%  force [does] throw
2.35%  outward [location] throw
2.25%  away [location] throw
1.93%  radially [orientation] throw
1.93%  throw snow [perform operation]
1.51%  throw to tend
1.49%  crank [does] throw
1.35%  belt [does] throw
1.19%  forwardly [location] throw
0.92%  rotation [does] throw
0.84%  throw piston [perform operation]
0.65%  throw lever [perform operation]
0.55%  throw modal may
0.53%  throw fuel [perform operation]
0.42%  throw modal will


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