Concordance for noun throttling


The page lists top contexts for noun throttling and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
9.78%  throttling effect
8.17%  throttling valve
6.76%  throttling action
6.36%  throttling pintle
4.71%  throttling orifice
4.30%  throttling loss
4.25%  throttling port
3.40%  throttling degree
3.40%  throttling device
3.23%  throttling element
2.93%  throttling passage
2.79%  throttling nozzle
1.85%  port throttling
1.80%  throttling restriction
1.76%  throttling means
1.68%  throttling position
1.63%  throttling member
1.39%  slight [importance] throttling
1.37%  flow throttling
1.32%  throttling resistance
1.28%  throttling bore
1.25%  throttling conduit
1.14%  throttling lug
1.10%  throttling hole
1.07%  intake throttling
1.06%  throttling point
1.02%  throttling screw
0.96%  throttling channel
0.93%  throttling air
0.91%  air throttling
0.89%  throttling section
0.84%  avoid throttling [perform operation]
0.84%  throttling [does] occur
0.84%  throttling cross-section
0.83%  throttling [does] take
0.83%  throttling function
0.79%  throttling apparatus
0.68%  throttling mode
0.67%  throttling arrangement
0.67%  throttling plate
0.63%  exhaust [physical/chemical] throttling
0.59%  throttling zone
0.52%  throttling opening
0.51%  throttling pipe
0.49%  throttling operation
0.48%  provide throttling [perform operation]
0.47%  not throttling
0.44%  valve throttling
0.44%  throttling [does] cause
0.44%  throttling ratio
0.40%  require throttling [perform operation]
0.39%  throttling area
0.38%  throttling [does] increase
0.38%  fuel throttling
0.36%  engine throttling
0.34%  use throttling [perform operation]
0.33%  throttling control
0.32%  control throttling [perform operation]
0.30%  throttling system


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