Concordance for noun technology


The page lists top contexts for noun technology and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
14.99%  ford technology [perform operation]
10.73%  global [completeness] technology
3.03%  delphi technology
3.01%  technology corporation
2.92%  technology encyclopedia
2.23%  technology institute
1.98%  conventional [typicality] technology
1.87%  chemical [domain related] technology
1.74%  modern [chronology] technology
1.68%  breed technology [perform operation]
1.60%  state-of-the-art technology
1.47%  united [connection] technology
1.46%  c-mos technology
1.31%  known [social status] technology
1.27%  three-dimensional [size] technology
1.27%  current [chronology] technology
1.25%  technology review
1.21%  automotive [functioning] technology
1.17%  nea technology
1.17%  gas technology
1.10%  advance in technology
1.08%  molding [technology] technology
1.06%  use technology [perform operation]
1.02%  development in technology
1.01%  impco technology
1.00%  related [dependency] technology
0.99%  manufacturing [domain related] technology
0.93%  technology field
0.93%  science technology
0.93%  technology conference
0.87%  employable [intelligence] technology
0.87%  technology [attribute] employable
0.84%  advanced [difficulty] technology
0.80%  cvd technology
0.80%  technology journal
0.79%  technology company
0.78%  recognition technology
0.77%  prior [chronology] technology
0.76%  electronic [domain related] technology
0.74%  technology society
0.73%  new [age] technology
0.71%  existing [chronology] technology
0.71%  technology brochure
0.69%  new [age] technology
0.66%  disclose technology [perform operation]
0.66%  control technology
0.65%  vehicular [domain related] technology
0.63%  cell technology
0.60%  digital [shape] technology
0.59%  engine technology
0.59%  art technology
0.59%  fuel technology [perform operation]
0.55%  pollution technology
0.54%  relate to technology
0.54%  technology application
0.51%  technology use
0.50%  control technology
0.49%  braking [purpose] technology
0.48%  apply technology [perform operation]
0.47%  semiconductor technology
0.47%  combustion technology
0.45%  technology development
0.44%  petroleum technology
0.44%  develop technology [perform operation]
0.44%  technology [does] meet
0.42%  employ technology [perform operation]
0.42%  technology term
0.42%  applicable [effectiveness] technology
0.41%  implement technology [perform operation]
0.41%  available [effectiveness] technology
0.39%  technology [using as instrument] associate
0.39%  technology description
0.37%  utilize technology [perform operation]
0.37%  incorporate technology [perform operation]
0.37%  circuit technology
0.36%  injection technology
0.35%  know technology [perform operation]
0.35%  present [chronology] technology
0.32%  technology [does] develop
0.31%  technology [does] employ
0.29%  automobile technology
0.28%  fuel technology
0.28%  diesel technology
0.28%  technology [does] provide
0.26%  example technology
0.26%  technology problem
0.24%  technology injector
0.23%  internal [location] technology
0.21%  similar [similarity] technology
0.19%  technology [does] reduce
0.19%  sensor technology
0.18%  technology [location] base
0.18%  describe technology [perform operation]
0.17%  technology [does] use
0.17%  system technology
0.16%  air technology
0.15%  type technology
0.15%  vehicle technology
0.10%  pressure technology
0.10%  technology [does] include
0.09%  show technology [perform operation]
0.09%  technology [does] have


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