Concordance for verb teach


The page lists top contexts for verb teach and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
11.06%  patent [does] teach
6.19%  teach use [perform operation]
4.64%  art [does] teach
4.10%  invention [does] teach
3.91%  teach system [perform operation]
3.59%  publication [does] teach
3.28%  teach copolymer [perform operation]
3.22%  teach process [perform operation]
2.55%  al [does] teach
2.53%  u.k. [does] teach
2.39%  teach manner [perform operation]
2.31%  reference [does] teach
2.30%  teach method [perform operation]
2.07%  bayle [does] teach
1.74%  teach in patent
1.61%  teach ethylene-propylene [perform operation]
1.40%  teach ethylene-propylene-diene [perform operation]
1.38%  teach by art
1.38%  durling [does] teach
1.38%  takamura [does] teach
1.38%  yamaguchi [does] teach
1.33%  teach concept [perform operation]
1.29%  teach production [perform operation]
1.26%  example [example] teach
1.25%  teach in publication
1.19%  presence teach
1.19%  embodiment [connection] teach
1.13%  teach reversal [perform operation]
1.09%  amine teach
1.06%  teach technique [perform operation]
1.04%  skilled [intelligence] teach
1.03%  teach in application
0.99%  application [does] teach
0.96%  teach device [perform operation]
0.87%  teach apparatus [perform operation]
0.79%  not teach
0.77%  teach in art
0.77%  teach engine [perform operation]
0.74%  teach to fail
0.73%  how teach
0.72%  teach invention [perform operation]
0.67%  teach plug [perform operation]
0.67%  teach it [perform operation]
0.63%  teach construction [perform operation]
0.60%  teach structure [perform operation]
0.59%  teach way [perform operation]
0.56%  teach provision [perform operation]
0.55%  teach in oil
0.53%  oxygen teach
0.53%  system [does] teach
0.51%  teach embodiment [perform operation]
0.50%  teach catalyst [perform operation]
0.50%  teach lubricant [perform operation]
0.50%  teach composition [perform operation]
0.47%  teach mechanism [perform operation]
0.47%  teach cover [perform operation]
0.45%  teach tool [perform operation]
0.45%  teach application [perform operation]
0.45%  teach advantage [perform operation]
0.42%  teach burner [perform operation]
0.42%  teach assembly [perform operation]
0.41%  instance [example] teach
0.41%  teach control [perform operation]
0.39%  respect [reference] teach
0.38%  generally [resume] teach
0.36%  teach temperature [perform operation]
0.35%  away [location] teach
0.34%  teach means [perform operation]
0.33%  teach arrangement [perform operation]
0.31%  so [resume] teach
0.30%  teach surface [perform operation]
0.24%  teach valve [perform operation]
0.22%  cylinder teach
0.22%  oil teach
0.15%  system teach
0.15%  engine teach


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