Concordance for noun summary


The page lists top contexts for noun summary and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
82.46%  invention summary
8.90%  brief [time duration] summary
1.48%  summary [resume] provide
0.84%  drawing summary
0.71%  disclosure summary
0.69%  summary [resume] see
0.64%  advantage summary
0.47%  summary [resume] use
0.45%  summary [resume] disclose
0.41%  summary [resume] initiate
0.34%  summary [resume] include
0.30%  summary during release
0.30%  summary [resume] have
0.27%  summary [resume] comprise
0.26%  operation summary
0.24%  summary during charging
0.22%  position summary
0.14%  art summary
0.13%  apparent from summary
0.11%  provide summary [perform operation]
0.11%  stage [temporal] summary
0.11%  describe in summary
0.09%  braking summary
0.08%  datum summary
0.04%  show summary [perform operation]
0.04%  valve summary
0.03%  system summary


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