Concordance for adjective sudden


The page lists top contexts for adjective sudden and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
18.85%  sudden [motion] change
14.90%  sudden [motion] deceleration
9.47%  sudden [motion] increase
4.60%  sudden [motion] braking
4.58%  sudden [motion] acceleration
4.47%  sudden [motion] decrease
4.01%  sudden [motion] drop
3.38%  sudden [motion] stop
2.12%  sudden [motion] reduction
2.03%  sudden [motion] application
1.65%  sudden [motion] surge
1.52%  sudden [motion] movement
1.42%  sudden [motion] variation
1.40%  sudden [motion] loss
1.37%  sudden [motion] discharge
1.34%  sudden [motion] expansion
1.34%  sudden [motion] impact
1.24%  sudden [motion] demand
1.23%  sudden [motion] fluctuation
1.21%  sudden [motion] rise
1.13%  sudden [motion] interruption
1.12%  sudden [motion] operation
1.03%  sudden [motion] failure
0.91%  sudden [motion] release
0.87%  sudden [motion] load
0.82%  sudden [motion] stoppage
0.81%  sudden [motion] force
0.80%  sudden [motion] deterioration
0.80%  sudden [motion] combustion
0.72%  sudden [motion] rush
0.72%  sudden [motion] stopping
0.71%  sudden [motion] shock
0.64%  sudden [motion] manner
0.62%  sudden [motion] bump
0.62%  sudden [motion] jump
0.54%  sudden [motion] flow
0.53%  sudden [motion] collapse
0.53%  sudden [motion] experience
0.53%  sudden [motion] condition
0.52%  sudden [motion] brake
0.49%  sudden [motion] closing
0.47%  sudden [motion] opening
0.45%  sudden [motion] actuation
0.45%  sudden [motion] action
0.42%  sudden [motion] motion
0.38%  sudden [motion] pressure


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