Concordance for verb stress


The page lists top contexts for verb stress and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
18.54%  stress spring [perform operation]
8.87%  spring [does] stress
6.77%  thermally [manner] stress
6.37%  direction [location] stress
5.88%  spring [temporal] stress
5.65%  accurately [degree] stress
5.60%  highly [degree] stress
4.37%  stress tube [perform operation]
4.13%  range [location] stress
3.83%  stress it [perform operation]
3.65%  stress piston [perform operation]
3.64%  stress element [perform operation]
3.14%  means [does] stress
2.89%  not stress
2.73%  less [degree] stress
2.62%  stress means [perform operation]
2.52%  stress member [perform operation]
2.34%  stress modal should
2.32%  pressure [does] stress
2.06%  stress modal will
1.98%  stress valve [perform operation]


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