Concordance for noun strain


The page lists top contexts for noun strain and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
42.24%  strain gauge
14.46%  strain gage
3.47%  strain sensor
3.19%  measure strain [perform operation]
2.52%  tensile [resilience] strain
2.25%  strain relief
2.14%  shear strain
2.07%  thermal [temperature] strain
2.01%  compressive [physical/chemical] strain
1.62%  strain stress
1.49%  experience strain [perform operation]
1.43%  strain cell
1.31%  torsional [motion] strain
1.26%  strain element
1.24%  tire strain
1.12%  detect strain [perform operation]
1.09%  longitudinal [direction] strain
0.86%  knuckle strain
0.83%  strain to pressure
0.80%  subject to strain
0.75%  wheel strain
0.73%  impose strain [perform operation]
0.72%  place strain [perform operation]
0.69%  relieve strain [perform operation]
0.67%  strain detector
0.64%  mechanical [functioning] strain
0.62%  strain transducer
0.57%  absorb strain [perform operation]
0.56%  special [typicality] strain
0.53%  strain in response
0.50%  strain type
0.49%  reduce strain [perform operation]
0.49%  strain limit
0.48%  initial [chronology] strain
0.46%  axle strain
0.45%  cause strain [perform operation]
0.45%  strain [does] act
0.42%  eliminate strain [perform operation]
0.42%  generate strain [perform operation]
0.37%  housing strain
0.34%  strain [does] occur
0.29%  strain signal
0.20%  strain value
0.19%  strain assembly
0.18%  strain means
0.14%  not strain


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