Concordance for noun species


The page lists top contexts for noun species and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
13.10%  oxidizable [physical/chemical] species
11.84%  active [motion] species
7.76%  catalyst species
6.82%  reactive [physical/chemical] species
6.26%  yield species [perform operation]
5.55%  ion species
5.17%  volatile [time periodicity] species
5.07%  oxidize species [perform operation]
4.89%  naphthenic [physical/chemical] species
4.18%  tungsten species
4.17%  essentially species
3.69%  molecular [structure] species
2.84%  metal species
2.34%  chemical [domain related] species
2.13%  employ species [perform operation]
1.94%  contain species [perform operation]
1.72%  intermediate [location] species
1.54%  gaseous [state] species
1.44%  produce species [perform operation]
1.36%  species [does] provide
1.27%  preferred [effectiveness] species
0.98%  invention species
0.77%  present [chronology] species
0.73%  generate species [perform operation]
0.63%  oil species
0.46%  form species [perform operation]
0.45%  species [does] include
0.43%  show species [perform operation]
0.34%  have species [perform operation]


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