Concordance for noun soot


The page lists top contexts for noun soot and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
22.32%  soot catcher
5.70%  soot formation
5.34%  soot precursor
5.09%  soot production
4.52%  produce soot [perform operation]
3.90%  soot particle
3.78%  almost soot
2.44%  soot afterburner
2.20%  soot peak
2.18%  soot fouling
2.13%  soot collector
1.88%  soot model
1.72%  burn off soot [perform operation]
1.62%  undeposited soot
1.50%  soot [location] grow
1.49%  temperature at soot
1.45%  deposit soot [perform operation]
1.35%  temperature [attribute] soot
1.32%  soot emission
1.23%  amount soot
1.19%  soot entrainment
1.13%  collect soot [perform operation]
1.12%  soot boule
1.12%  grow to soot
1.10%  dispersed [state] soot
1.09%  residual [amount] soot
1.08%  not soot
0.90%  soot deposition
0.90%  soot generation
0.89%  soot value
0.83%  blow off soot [perform operation]
0.83%  soot chemistry
0.82%  soot treatment
0.77%  soot accumulation
0.76%  soot filter
0.74%  diesel soot
0.73%  accumulated [increase] soot
0.62%  soot build-up
0.62%  burn soot [perform operation]
0.62%  soot amount
0.61%  soot [using as instrument] coat
0.59%  soot deposit
0.57%  reduce soot [perform operation]
0.52%  entrain soot [perform operation]
0.52%  remove soot [perform operation]
0.50%  observe soot [perform operation]
0.48%  carbon soot
0.46%  form soot [perform operation]
0.45%  soot content
0.44%  soot rate
0.43%  contain soot [perform operation]
0.40%  soot level
0.39%  emit soot [perform operation]
0.34%  soot temperature
0.33%  generate soot [perform operation]
0.31%  conductive [physical/chemical] soot
0.25%  soot [does] become
0.25%  minimize soot [perform operation]
0.19%  present [chronology] soot
0.18%  soot [does] reduce
0.15%  include soot [perform operation]
0.14%  soot chamber
0.08%  soot system
0.06%  soot means


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