Concordance for adjective sloping


The page lists top contexts for adjective sloping and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
31.54%  sloping [shape] wedge
10.57%  sloping [shape] wall
8.90%  sloping [shape] surface
7.37%  sloping [shape] portion
5.45%  sloping [shape] terrain
5.17%  sloping [shape] contour
4.60%  sloping [shape] face
4.34%  sloping [shape] side
3.97%  downwardly [location] sloping
3.84%  upwardly sloping
3.18%  downwardly sloping
3.00%  sloping [shape] line
2.98%  sloping [shape] device
2.71%  sloping [shape] section
2.32%  sloping [shape] hole


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