Concordance for verb slope


The page lists top contexts for verb slope and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
16.62%  downwardly [location] slope
9.04%  upwardly [location] slope
8.69%  mast [location] slope
7.22%  downward [chronology] slope
7.06%  away [location] slope
6.45%  slope from surface
5.21%  inwardly [location] slope
5.01%  surface [does] slope
4.85%  slope floor [perform operation]
4.80%  downwards [location] slope
4.46%  rearwardly [location] slope
3.47%  wall [does] slope
3.43%  portion [does] slope
2.78%  slope surface [perform operation]
2.50%  angle [location] slope
2.22%  direction [location] slope
1.96%  slope portion [perform operation]
1.69%  so [resume] slope
1.59%  end slope
0.86%  slope modal may


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