Concordance for verb size


The page lists top contexts for verb size and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
4.99%  size orifice [perform operation]
4.89%  size area [perform operation]
3.29%  so [resume] size
2.98%  size portion [perform operation]
2.86%  size diameter [perform operation]
2.78%  appropriately [degree] size
2.74%  so [degree] size
2.57%  size aperture [perform operation]
2.57%  size passage [perform operation]
2.45%  size opening [perform operation]
2.08%  size bore [perform operation]
2.02%  size member [perform operation]
1.97%  size groove [perform operation]
1.94%  size pump [perform operation]
1.92%  preferably [degree] size
1.74%  size hole [perform operation]
1.36%  size recess [perform operation]
1.29%  size chamber [perform operation]
1.29%  differently [similarity] size
1.26%  properly [manner] size
1.26%  size port [perform operation]
1.23%  size end [perform operation]
1.14%  size plate [perform operation]
1.11%  size piston [perform operation]
1.10%  size o-ring [perform operation]
1.04%  size length [perform operation]
1.03%  eliminate by size
1.02%  rate [purpose] size
0.99%  size modal can
0.99%  size cavity [perform operation]
0.99%  suitably [degree] size
0.97%  size volume [perform operation]
0.95%  size depth [perform operation]
0.95%  size filter [perform operation]
0.91%  size slot [perform operation]
0.89%  engagement [purpose] size
0.88%  size restriction [perform operation]
0.88%  size modal must
0.87%  size section [perform operation]
0.87%  size valve [perform operation]
0.87%  size wall [perform operation]
0.85%  size housing [perform operation]
0.85%  size conduit [perform operation]
0.81%  size surface [perform operation]
0.78%  size sleeve [perform operation]
0.75%  size tube [perform operation]
0.74%  size notch [perform operation]
0.74%  size shank [perform operation]
0.71%  application [purpose] size
0.71%  size element [perform operation]
0.70%  size channel [perform operation]
0.69%  size nipple [perform operation]
0.69%  size modal may
0.69%  size modal should
0.66%  size container [perform operation]
0.65%  size means [perform operation]
0.64%  diametrically [similarity] size
0.62%  size thread [perform operation]
0.62%  size passageway [perform operation]
0.61%  size socket [perform operation]
0.60%  relative [similarity] size
0.59%  size spring [perform operation]
0.59%  size seal [perform operation]
0.59%  size meter [perform operation]
0.59%  size turbine [perform operation]
0.58%  size ADVP preferably
0.57%  size head [perform operation]
0.57%  size ADVP additionally
0.55%  size width [perform operation]
0.54%  size modal could
0.54%  size outlet [perform operation]
0.53%  size rod [perform operation]
0.52%  size assembly [perform operation]
0.52%  size pin [perform operation]
0.51%  size jet [perform operation]
0.46%  sufficiently [degree] size
0.45%  size pipe [perform operation]
0.45%  size in embodiment
0.42%  size component [perform operation]
0.41%  size cylinder [perform operation]
0.40%  size system [perform operation]
0.38%  size plunger [perform operation]
0.38%  size device [perform operation]
0.33%  example [example] size
0.33%  size nozzle [perform operation]
0.33%  respect [reference] size
0.33%  size line [perform operation]
0.32%  size plug [perform operation]
0.32%  size motor [perform operation]
0.32%  size apparatus [perform operation]
0.31%  large [size] size
0.29%  size body [perform operation]
0.29%  step [does] size
0.28%  size part [perform operation]
0.26%  accordance [reference] size
0.22%  time size
0.21%  size fuel [perform operation]
0.20%  size modal will


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