Concordance for noun shutter


The page lists top contexts for noun shutter and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
13.88%  shutter valve
12.95%  shutter wheel
7.71%  shutter plate
4.48%  shutter member
4.10%  shutter element
3.90%  bear on shutter
3.61%  segmented shutter
3.46%  position about shutter
3.05%  opening in shutter
3.02%  shutter assembly
2.94%  shutter seat
2.62%  air shutter
2.34%  fire shutter
2.19%  shutter vane
2.12%  starter shutter
2.03%  optical [domain related] shutter
2.02%  shutter opening
1.92%  rotary [motion] shutter
1.85%  movable [motion] shutter
1.84%  throttle shutter
1.72%  shutter means
1.61%  shutter arm
1.54%  mount shutter [perform operation]
1.40%  shutter periphery
1.35%  shutter [does] allow
1.26%  annular [shape] shutter
1.20%  valve shutter
1.03%  shutter [does] pass
1.00%  dispose shutter [perform operation]
0.85%  shutter [does] have
0.81%  position shutter [perform operation]
0.79%  comprise shutter [perform operation]
0.76%  show shutter [perform operation]
0.65%  shutter position
0.61%  include shutter [perform operation]
0.61%  have shutter [perform operation]
0.60%  provide shutter [perform operation]


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