Concordance for adjective reversible


The page lists top contexts for adjective reversible and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
55.11%  reversible [motion] motor
8.95%  reversible [motion] register
7.47%  reversible [motion] pump
3.63%  reversible [motion] means
3.45%  reversible [motion] counter
2.60%  reversible [motion] system
2.36%  reversible [motion] direction
2.19%  reversible [motion] transmission
1.57%  reversible [motion] link
1.52%  reversible [motion] device
1.52%  reversible [motion] valve
1.29%  reversible [motion] mount
1.29%  reversible [motion] motor/pump
1.22%  reversible [motion] type
1.05%  reversible [motion] electrode
0.91%  reversible [motion] movement
0.91%  reversible [motion] rotation
0.89%  reversible [motion] voltage
0.78%  reversible [motion] circuit
0.68%  reversible to arm
0.51%  reversible with respect


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