Concordance for adjective resulting


The page lists top contexts for adjective resulting and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
6.85%  resulting [effectiveness] signal
6.85%  resulting [effectiveness] pressure
5.78%  resulting [effectiveness] product
5.31%  resulting [effectiveness] value
5.28%  resulting [effectiveness] force
5.18%  resulting [effectiveness] gas
4.59%  resulting [effectiveness] oil
4.26%  resulting [effectiveness] mixture
4.15%  resulting [effectiveness] complex
4.10%  resulting [effectiveness] pl
4.10%  resulting [effectiveness] pr
3.68%  resulting [effectiveness] ratio
3.22%  resulting [effectiveness] material
2.90%  resulting [effectiveness] air
2.51%  resulting [effectiveness] movement
2.16%  resulting [effectiveness] increase
2.07%  resulting [effectiveness] separation
2.03%  resulting [effectiveness] vacuum
1.78%  resulting [effectiveness] expansion
1.78%  resulting [effectiveness] polyolefin
1.72%  resulting [effectiveness] pulse
1.69%  resulting [effectiveness] field
1.63%  resulting [effectiveness] restriction
1.63%  resulting [effectiveness] wave
1.62%  resulting [effectiveness] atomization
1.46%  resulting [effectiveness] voltage
1.45%  resulting [effectiveness] loss
1.44%  resulting [effectiveness] combustion
1.42%  resulting [effectiveness] temperature
1.33%  resulting [effectiveness] reduction
1.25%  resulting [effectiveness] current
1.25%  resulting [effectiveness] torque
1.22%  resulting [effectiveness] effect
1.13%  resulting [effectiveness] system
1.03%  resulting [effectiveness] flow


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