Concordance for noun restoring


The page lists top contexts for noun restoring and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
48.55%  restoring spring
25.18%  restoring force
5.69%  restoring piston
5.38%  restoring torque
2.21%  restoring acting
1.07%  restoring moment
1.06%  restoring fr
1.04%  restoring mechanism
0.93%  restoring direction
0.93%  restoring chamber
0.82%  restoring device
0.81%  restoring means
0.74%  restoring wall
0.67%  restoring unit
0.65%  restoring movement
0.60%  restoring motion
0.58%  restoring function
0.48%  restoring action
0.44%  restoring stroke
0.34%  restoring pressure
0.33%  restoring effect
0.29%  restoring plate
0.29%  restoring characteristic
0.29%  restoring line
0.29%  restoring element
0.22%  restoring control


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