Concordance for noun resistor


The page lists top contexts for noun resistor and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
3.85%  connect resistor [perform operation]
2.40%  variable [time periodicity] resistor
2.07%  limiting [importance] resistor
1.54%  junction between resistor
1.46%  ohm resistor
1.44%  current [chronology] resistor
1.42%  bias resistor
1.33%  comprise resistor [perform operation]
1.29%  pull-up resistor
1.27%  include resistor [perform operation]
1.11%  resistor junction
1.09%  ballast resistor
1.02%  voltage across resistor
1.00%  resistor [is] ohm
0.95%  series [amount] resistor
0.94%  resistor [is] resistor
0.94%  resistor resistance
0.93%  load resistor
0.92%  sensing [perception] resistor
0.91%  emitter resistor
0.91%  feedback resistor
0.91%  resistor [is] resistor
0.87%  voltage-dividing resistor
0.83%  shunt resistor
0.81%  drop across resistor
0.79%  resistor value
0.75%  divider resistor
0.73%  kilohm resistor
0.72%  connect through resistor
0.69%  resistor end
0.69%  resistor [does] determine
0.64%  current-limiting resistor
0.63%  resistor [connection] connect
0.63%  detecting [analysis/training] resistor
0.62%  divide resistor [perform operation]
0.61%  series-connected [connection] resistor
0.61%  flow through resistor
0.60%  discharge through resistor
0.59%  input resistor
0.59%  collector resistor
0.58%  point between resistor
0.58%  ntc resistor
0.57%  temperature-dependent [dependency] resistor
0.55%  resistor network
0.54%  develop across resistor
0.54%  resistor [does] form
0.50%  measuring resistor
0.50%  watt resistor
0.50%  adjustable [physical/chemical] resistor
0.47%  resistor pellet
0.47%  resistor [does] connect
0.46%  resistor [does] constitute
0.46%  resistor terminal
0.46%  connect via resistor
0.45%  current through resistor
0.45%  resistor [does] provide
0.45%  sensing [perception] resistor
0.44%  dividing resistor
0.43%  resistor [does] have
0.42%  node between resistor
0.40%  couple resistor [perform operation]
0.39%  base [size] resistor
0.39%  charge through resistor
0.38%  compose of resistor
0.37%  protective [producing effect] resistor
0.37%  resistor [does] divide
0.37%  comprise of resistor
0.37%  detection resistor
0.36%  series [temporal] resistor
0.36%  connect resistor
0.35%  resistor have
0.34%  current [chronology] resistor
0.33%  ohmic [physical/chemical] resistor
0.33%  resistor combination
0.33%  resistor vr
0.32%  sense resistor
0.32%  dropping [increase] resistor
0.31%  resistor [does] grind
0.30%  resistor [is] resistor
0.30%  resistor [is] resistor
0.30%  grind through resistor
0.29%  fixed [time periodicity] resistor
0.28%  resistor [does] set
0.28%  resistor side
0.28%  resistor short
0.28%  charging resistor
0.27%  have resistor [perform operation]
0.27%  voltage resistor
0.27%  resistor flow
0.26%  resistor ohm
0.26%  detect resistor [perform operation]
0.26%  calibration resistor
0.25%  detecting [analysis/training] resistor
0.24%  select resistor [perform operation]
0.24%  suppression resistor
0.24%  resistor [does] detect
0.23%  resonance-absorbing resistor
0.23%  transistor through resistor
0.23%  transistor resistor
0.23%  connected [connection] resistor
0.23%  connect with resistor
0.23%  dropping [increase] resistor
0.22%  resistor resistor
0.22%  resistor divider
0.22%  gate resistor
0.22%  resistor connection
0.21%  conduct through resistor
0.21%  resistor rb
0.21%  use resistor [perform operation]
0.21%  valued [social status] resistor
0.21%  terminal through resistor
0.21%  external [location] resistor
0.21%  discharge resistor
0.20%  grounded [character] resistor
0.20%  resistor resistor
0.20%  discharging [purpose] resistor
0.20%  resistor [using as instrument] connect
0.20%  charge/discharge resistor
0.20%  resistor with resistor
0.20%  ion resistor
0.20%  temperature-sensitive [sensitivity] resistor
0.20%  parallel [similarity] resistor
0.19%  make up of resistor
0.19%  coupling [fixing] resistor
0.19%  ground resistor [perform operation]
0.19%  rate resistor [perform operation]
0.19%  pull-down resistor
0.19%  ground through resistor
0.18%  choose resistor [perform operation]
0.18%  auxilliary resistor
0.18%  resistor ra
0.18%  resistor [does] limit
0.18%  wound resistor
0.18%  resistor [does] convert
0.18%  electrical [domain related] resistor
0.17%  biasing resistor
0.17%  resistor with resistor
0.17%  resistor [does] couple
0.17%  grounding resistor
0.17%  bleeder resistor
0.17%  limiting [importance] resistor
0.17%  resistor [does] attenuate
0.17%  short-circuit resistor [perform operation]
0.17%  capacitor through resistor
0.16%  apply through resistor
0.16%  insert resistor [perform operation]
0.16%  receive through resistor
0.16%  precision resistor
0.16%  point [degree] resistor
0.16%  megohm resistor
0.16%  drop across resistor


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