Concordance for adjective replaceable


The page lists top contexts for adjective replaceable and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
32.93%  replaceable [connection] dome
11.59%  replaceable [connection] cartridge
6.25%  replaceable [connection] pad
4.75%  replaceable [connection] element
4.58%  replaceable [connection] insert
4.58%  replaceable [connection] liner
4.39%  replaceable [connection] filter
4.38%  replaceable [connection] means
3.21%  replaceable [connection] canister
3.10%  replaceable [connection] medium
3.06%  easily replaceable
2.79%  replaceable [connection] lining
1.97%  replaceable [connection] seal
1.86%  replaceable [connection] film
1.61%  replaceable [connection] blade
1.61%  replaceable [connection] shoe
1.31%  replaceable [connection] type
1.29%  replaceable [connection] unit
1.26%  replaceable [connection] segment
1.21%  replaceable [connection] ring
1.14%  replaceable [connection] chamber
1.01%  replaceable [connection] assembly


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