Concordance for adjective recessed


The page lists top contexts for adjective recessed and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
46.86%  recessed [shape] portion
11.78%  recessed [shape] area
7.72%  recessed [shape] surface
4.14%  recessed [shape] part
3.43%  recessed [shape] groove
2.57%  recessed [shape] section
2.24%  recessed [shape] cavity
1.99%  recessed [shape] chamber
1.74%  recessed [shape] slot
1.51%  recessed [shape] seat
1.33%  recessed [shape] end
1.26%  recessed [shape] band
1.16%  recessed [shape] edge
1.15%  recessed [shape] opening
1.11%  recessed [shape] contact
1.08%  recessed [shape] hole
0.98%  recessed [shape] wall
0.95%  recessed [shape] indent
0.89%  recessed [shape] become
0.77%  recessed [shape] button
0.75%  recessed [shape] aperture
0.74%  recessed [shape] shoulder
0.65%  recessed [shape] channel
0.62%  recessed [shape] notch
0.55%  recessed [shape] position
0.54%  recessed [shape] bore
0.50%  recessed [shape] space
0.48%  recessed [shape] flange
0.37%  recessed [shape] face


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