Concordance for adjective rear


The page lists top contexts for adjective rear and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
41.35%  rear [location] wheel
6.97%  rear [location] cylinder
6.87%  rear [location] end
5.08%  rear [location] axle
4.29%  rear [location] portion
3.46%  rear [location] mechanism
2.94%  rear [location] angle
2.56%  rear [location] face
2.26%  rear [location] brake
1.88%  rear [location] ratio
1.55%  rear [location] side
1.45%  rear [location] means
1.32%  rear [location] view
1.05%  rear [location] surface
1.04%  rear [location] wall
1.02%  rear [location] assembly
0.92%  rear [location] system
0.81%  rear [location] circuit
0.78%  rear [location] shaft
0.78%  rear [location] rl
0.77%  rear [location] suspension
0.72%  rear [location] edge
0.64%  rear [location] pressure
0.62%  rear [location] housing
0.62%  rear [location] rwbl
0.59%  rear [location] direction
0.58%  rear [location] device
0.57%  rear [location] part
0.54%  rear [location] wr
0.51%  rear [location] sensor
0.50%  rear [location] window
0.49%  rear [location] travel
0.39%  rear [location] passage
0.38%  rear [location] section
0.38%  rear [location] unit
0.37%  rear [location] rr
0.36%  rear [location] apparatus
0.35%  rear [location] pair
0.33%  rear [location] cover
0.31%  rear [location] speed
0.31%  rear [location] actuator
0.30%  rear [location] frame
0.29%  rear [location] curve
0.27%  rear [location] line
0.20%  rear [location] member


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