Concordance for verb push back


The page lists top contexts for verb push back and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
26.14%  push back piston [perform operation]
10.14%  spring [does] push back
6.79%  position [connection] push back
6.61%  force [does] push back
4.66%  right [location] push back
4.43%  push back pedal [perform operation]
4.27%  push back to tend
4.17%  push back member [perform operation]
3.41%  spring [temporal] push back
3.37%  push back plunger [perform operation]
2.99%  push back needle [perform operation]
2.85%  position [location] push back
2.74%  become [temporal] push back
2.52%  pressure [does] push back
2.48%  direction [location] push back
2.39%  push back modal will
2.16%  again [temporal] push back
2.09%  push back rod [perform operation]
1.94%  result [resume] push back
1.67%  push back valve [perform operation]
1.14%  push back modal can
0.93%  not push back


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