Concordance for adjective proximal


The page lists top contexts for adjective proximal and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
64.82%  proximal [location] end
10.84%  proximal [location] portion
2.54%  proximal [location] tip
2.31%  proximal [location] chamber
1.62%  proximal [location] region
1.62%  proximal [location] extent
1.19%  proximal to end
1.06%  proximal [location] nozzle
1.01%  nozzle [attribute] proximal
0.99%  proximal [location] cap
0.96%  proximal to lead
0.85%  proximal [location] surface
0.81%  proximal [location] have
0.81%  proximal [location] side
0.67%  proximal [location] shoulder
0.64%  proximal [location] groove
0.60%  location [attribute] proximal
0.57%  proximal [location] bearing
0.56%  plate [attribute] proximal
0.56%  region [attribute] proximal
0.54%  proximal [location] face
0.52%  rod [attribute] proximal
0.52%  proximal [location] conduit
0.51%  proximal [location] hole
0.50%  proximal [location] location
0.49%  proximal [location] rod
0.49%  proximal [location] plate
0.48%  surface [attribute] proximal
0.42%  proximal [location] position
0.35%  proximal to surface


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