Concordance for adjective positionable


The page lists top contexts for adjective positionable and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
6.91%  positionable [location] means
6.11%  positionable [location] valve
6.00%  variably positionable
5.63%  positionable [location] member
5.61%  positionable [location] include
5.49%  adjustably positionable
5.29%  selectively positionable
4.99%  positionable intermediate terminal
4.36%  positionable [location] relative
4.24%  positionable to communicate
4.14%  positionable [location] have
4.10%  positionable between position
3.70%  positionable [location] comprise
3.58%  slidably positionable
3.03%  positionable [location] adjacent
2.91%  positionable in position
2.60%  positionable [location] notch
2.41%  positionable [location] channel
1.95%  positionable [location] sleeve
1.86%  positionable within bore
1.78%  positionable in alignment
1.54%  positionable [location] housing
1.46%  valve [attribute] positionable
1.39%  positionable [location] plate
1.36%  plate [attribute] positionable
1.35%  manually positionable
1.27%  positionable [location] wheel
1.22%  positionable [location] end
1.19%  positionable [location] surface
1.06%  means [attribute] positionable
0.82%  positionable in response
0.50%  positionable in direction


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