Concordance for noun pathway


The page lists top contexts for noun pathway and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

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4.80%  pathway from throat
4.76%  convection pathway
4.36%  oil pathway
3.83%  relief pathway
3.58%  main [importance] pathway
2.96%  pathway for flow
2.84%  vapor pathway
2.80%  provide pathway [perform operation]
2.68%  guide pathway
2.68%  fluid [state] pathway
2.63%  air pathway
2.60%  pathway for fuel
2.56%  optical [domain related] pathway
2.45%  establish pathway [perform operation]
2.21%  pathway through vessel
2.16%  pathway for fluid
1.90%  continuous [time duration] pathway
1.87%  close pathway [perform operation]
1.77%  open pathway [perform operation]
1.70%  communication with pathway
1.68%  oil in pathway
1.57%  discharge pathway
1.56%  suction pathway
1.45%  pathway [does] connect
1.45%  fuel pathway
1.44%  negotiate pathway [perform operation]
1.43%  exhaust [physical/chemical] pathway
1.42%  intake pathway
1.38%  secondary [numeric] pathway
1.29%  water pathway
1.29%  pathway to manifold
1.10%  define pathway [perform operation]
1.05%  supply pathway
1.00%  pathway [does] flow
0.98%  connection pathway
0.98%  pathway formation
0.97%  pathway [does] extend
0.96%  signal pathway
0.95%  pathway [does] admit
0.92%  pathway network
0.86%  controlled [functioning] pathway
0.85%  have pathway [perform operation]
0.83%  outside [location] pathway
0.81%  open [accessibility] pathway
0.80%  pathway between port
0.79%  difficult [difficulty] pathway
0.76%  mount in pathway
0.74%  pathway in body
0.73%  pathway opening
0.72%  form pathway [perform operation]
0.62%  pathway [does] communicate
0.58%  couple pathway [perform operation]
0.55%  pathway [does] reduce
0.55%  out [location] pathway
0.55%  cylinder pathway
0.53%  transmission pathway
0.53%  create pathway [perform operation]
0.51%  control pathway [perform operation]
0.47%  pathway [connection] supply
0.46%  exhaust [physical/chemical] pathway
0.46%  connect pathway [perform operation]
0.43%  predetermined [representation] pathway
0.42%  pathway end
0.41%  pump pathway
0.39%  single [numeric] pathway
0.37%  power pathway
0.36%  supply pathway [perform operation]
0.34%  include pathway [perform operation]
0.32%  illustrate pathway [perform operation]
0.31%  flow pathway
0.25%  pathway [does] provide
0.19%  use pathway [perform operation]
0.17%  pathway [does] have


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