Concordance for adjective overhead


The page lists top contexts for adjective overhead and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
40.37%  overhead [location] camshaft
27.14%  overhead [location] engine
5.82%  overhead [location] valve
4.87%  overhead [location] cam
2.61%  overhead [location] intake
2.37%  overhead [location] view
2.33%  overhead [location] condenser
2.14%  overhead [location] chamber
2.10%  overhead [location] trolley
1.87%  overhead [location] train
1.67%  overhead [location] guard
1.41%  overhead [location] shaft
1.25%  overhead [location] type
1.05%  overhead [location] arrangement
0.94%  overhead [location] assembly
0.79%  overhead [location] support
0.60%  overhead [location] system
0.57%  overhead [location] cylinder


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