Concordance for adjective outward


The page lists top contexts for adjective outward and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
24.04%  outward [location] movement
18.82%  outward [location] direction
5.93%  radially [orientation] outward
4.81%  outward [location] displacement
4.56%  outward [location] stroke
3.92%  outward [location] end
3.59%  outward [location] motion
2.88%  outward [location] force
2.70%  outward [location] flow
2.63%  outward [location] portion
2.56%  outward [location] position
2.27%  outward [location] flange
1.80%  outward [location] extension
1.61%  outward [location] travel
1.55%  outward [location] surface
1.25%  outward [location] projection
1.10%  outward [location] type
1.01%  outward [location] deflection
1.01%  outward [location] expansion
0.98%  outward [location] separation
0.96%  outward [location] opening
0.91%  outward [location] side
0.88%  radially outward
0.85%  outward [location] route
0.74%  outward [location] valve
0.67%  outward [location] appearance
0.66%  outward [location] location
0.65%  outward [location] pad
0.63%  laterally [orientation] outward
0.57%  outward [location] limit
0.55%  outward [location] protrusion
0.54%  outward [location] edge
0.53%  outward [location] bend
0.49%  outward [location] shape
0.44%  axially [orientation] outward
0.40%  outward [location] pressure
0.31%  outward [location] member


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