Concordance for adjective off


The page lists top contexts for adjective off and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
24.35%  off [location] position
24.20%  off [location] state
18.06%  off [location] timer
6.19%  off [location] condition
5.76%  off [location] time
3.10%  off [location] signal
2.53%  off [location] mode
2.40%  off [location] voff
2.12%  off [location] status
2.05%  off [location] period
1.12%  off [location] timing
1.11%  off [location] switch
0.94%  off [location] command
0.93%  off [location] operation
0.74%  off [location] charger
0.69%  off [location] angle
0.64%  off [location] latch
0.64%  off [location] use
0.48%  off [location] center
0.41%  off [location] pulse
0.34%  off [location] portion
0.31%  off [location] terminal
0.27%  off [location] level
0.26%  off [location] point
0.22%  normally [typicality] off


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