Concordance for adjective mixing


The page lists top contexts for adjective mixing and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
32.78%  mixing [purpose] chamber
11.13%  mixing [purpose] ratio
9.20%  mixing [purpose] zone
4.71%  mixing [purpose] region
4.46%  mixing [purpose] means
4.44%  mixing [purpose] duct
3.50%  mixing [purpose] device
2.16%  mixing [purpose] body
2.06%  mixing [purpose] portion
2.00%  mixing [purpose] conduit
1.98%  mixing [purpose] valve
1.59%  mixing [purpose] air
1.52%  mixing [purpose] unit
1.43%  mixing [purpose] vessel
1.22%  mixing [purpose] passage
1.16%  mixing [purpose] apparatus
1.03%  mixing [purpose] member
1.01%  mixing [purpose] paddle
0.99%  mixing [purpose] system
0.95%  mixing [purpose] fuel
0.88%  mixing [purpose] channel
0.85%  mixing [purpose] circuit
0.84%  mixing [purpose] rate
0.72%  mixing [purpose] burner
0.67%  mixing [purpose] error
0.57%  mixing [purpose] section
0.55%  mixing [purpose] action
0.54%  mixing [purpose] blade
0.45%  mixing [purpose] tube
0.44%  mixing [purpose] structure
0.43%  mixing [purpose] media
0.41%  mixing [purpose] nozzle
0.39%  mixing [purpose] oil
0.38%  mixing [purpose] information
0.36%  mixing [purpose] process
0.36%  thoroughly [degree] mixing
0.33%  mixing [purpose] assembly
0.33%  mixing [purpose] hole
0.32%  mixing [purpose] area
0.29%  mixing [purpose] efficiency
0.28%  mixing [purpose] component
0.12%  upstream [location] mixing


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