Concordance for noun micron


The page lists top contexts for noun micron and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
12.24%  micron size
7.98%  micron [attribute] thick
6.42%  size than micron
6.14%  up [degree] micron
5.76%  micron in thickness
5.16%  micron particle
5.11%  clearance [is] micron
4.87%  micron diameter
4.64%  thick [size] micron
4.55%  micron porosity
4.26%  micron thickness
4.19%  micron range
3.91%  micron have
3.78%  less [degree] micron
3.53%  micron in size
3.21%  micron order
2.97%  exceed micron [perform operation]
2.89%  micron screen
2.35%  less than micron
2.03%  micron filter
1.91%  micron width
1.00%  preferably [degree] micron
0.98%  micron opening


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