Concordance for verb mate


The page lists top contexts for verb mate and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
4.40%  mate engagement [perform operation]
3.62%  thread [does] mate
3.20%  surface [does] mate
2.95%  surface [using as instrument] mate
2.24%  thread mate
2.22%  seat [using as instrument] mate
2.09%  terminal [using as instrument] mate
2.04%  tooth [does] mate
1.99%  shaft [using as instrument] mate
1.89%  connector [does] mate
1.88%  means [using as instrument] mate
1.83%  end [using as instrument] mate
1.70%  thread [using as instrument] mate
1.64%  portion [does] mate
1.61%  chamber [using as instrument] mate
1.59%  tooth [using as instrument] mate
1.54%  head [using as instrument] mate
1.50%  inlet [using as instrument] mate
1.49%  connector [using as instrument] mate
1.46%  sealingly [manner] mate
1.37%  process [temporal] mate
1.33%  nut [does] mate
1.29%  end [does] mate
1.20%  opening [using as instrument] mate
1.19%  exchanger [using as instrument] mate
1.15%  mate section [perform operation]
1.14%  face [does] mate
1.13%  fitting [connection] mate
1.11%  together [manner] mate
1.09%  spline [does] mate
1.02%  closely [location] mate
1.02%  hub [using as instrument] mate
1.02%  gear [using as instrument] mate
1.02%  nipple [does] mate
1.00%  provide for mate
0.98%  edge [using as instrument] mate
0.96%  mate nozzle [perform operation]
0.93%  notch [does] mate
0.89%  mate connector [perform operation]
0.87%  pawl [does] mate
0.84%  groove [using as instrument] mate
0.83%  head [does] mate
0.82%  block [using as instrument] mate
0.80%  groove mate
0.80%  well mate
0.80%  face [using as instrument] mate
0.79%  mate portion [perform operation]
0.76%  ball [does] mate
0.75%  adapt for mate
0.73%  flange [does] mate
0.73%  form for mate
0.72%  mate with section
0.72%  mate to inlet
0.71%  recess [does] mate
0.68%  mate thread [perform operation]
0.68%  harness mate
0.66%  have for mate
0.65%  passage [does] mate
0.65%  hole [does] mate
0.64%  opening mate
0.64%  aperture [does] mate
0.62%  terminal [does] mate
0.61%  port [using as instrument] mate
0.61%  hole mate
0.61%  wheel [using as instrument] mate
0.59%  connector mate
0.59%  mate exchanger [perform operation]
0.59%  gear [does] mate
0.57%  module mate
0.57%  ramp mate
0.56%  member [using as instrument] mate
0.56%  opening [does] mate
0.56%  slidably [motion] mate
0.52%  housing [does] mate
0.52%  surface mate
0.52%  mate manifold [perform operation]
0.50%  tooth mate
0.49%  shape [does] mate
0.47%  means [does] mate
0.47%  section mate
0.47%  projection [does] mate
0.46%  section [does] mate
0.46%  groove [does] mate
0.45%  mate face [perform operation]
0.44%  bolt [does] mate
0.42%  mate surface [perform operation]
0.42%  mate [temporal] move
0.42%  plate [does] mate
0.41%  member [does] mate
0.40%  nozzle [does] mate
0.36%  mate [does] secure
0.33%  shaft [does] mate
0.33%  seat mate
0.33%  port [does] mate
0.33%  mate plate [perform operation]
0.32%  mate modal will
0.32%  mate end [perform operation]
0.30%  mate means [perform operation]
0.30%  mate member [perform operation]
0.29%  bore mate
0.27%  member mate
0.24%  mate modal can
0.24%  portion mate
0.22%  end mate
0.20%  mate modal may
0.18%  so [resume] mate
0.10%  not mate


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